Monday, November 16, 2009

mari tambah lagi!!!

Since I am in first year degree, I need to keep recalling what am I taking now(the course). Almost every time, I heard about biotech, biotech and biotech!!! Sometimes I think it is a good sign as Malaysia moving toward emphasizing biotech field. Public people and even me, sometimes cannot understand what is the meaning of biotech. Therefore, I tried to find the best and perfect definition for biotech. This is what I got from

In short, biotech is (please allow me to copy the definition for all of you)

Biotechnology is any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use. One section of biotechnology is the directed use of organisms for the manufacture of organic products (examples include beer, milk-products, and skin). Naturally present bacteria are utilized by the mining industry in bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste, clean up sites contaminated by industrial activities (bioremediation), and produce biological weapons.

There are also applications of biotechnology that do not use living organisms. Examples are DNA microarrays used in genetics and radioactive tracers used in medicine.

Modern biotechnology is often associated with the use of genetically altered microorganisms such as E. coli or yeast for the production of substances like insulin or antibiotics. It can also refer to transgenic animals or transgenic plants, such as Bt corn. Genetically altered Mammalian cells, such as Chinese Hamster ovarian cells, are also widely used to manufacture pharmaceuticals. Another promising new biotechnology application is the development of plant-made pharmaceuticals.

There are number of jargon terms for sub-fields of biotechnology.

Red biotechnology is biotechnology applied to medical processes. An example would include an organism designed to produce an antibiotic, or engineering genetic cures to diseases through genomic manipulation.

White biotechnology, also known as gray biotechnology, is biotechnology applied to industrial processes. An example would include an organism designed to produce a useful chemical. White biotechnology tends to consume less resources that traditional processes when used to produce industrial goods.

Green biotechnology is biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. An example would include an organism designed to grow under specific environmental conditions or in the presence (or absence) of certain agricultural chemicals. Green biotechnology tends to produce more environmentally friendly solutions then traditional industrial agriculture. An example of this would include a plant engineered to express a pesticide, thereby eliminating the need for external application of pesticides.

The term blue biotechnology has also been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of biotechnology, but its use is relatively rare.

Finally, I can differentiate sub-fields of biotech. I hope that I can choose the right course for my future. Amiiin :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

perlukah aku kepada blog?

Eman..Eman....hmmm...............empat bulan lebih kau tak update blog?kenapa?

Eman la: Aku pon tak tau la Man..aku ada banyak idea, tapi masalah aku lebih mempercayai diri aku dari orang lain.

Eman La menambah: Sebab lain mungkin aku sekarang ni dah malas..tu la terpaksa aku berhenti mem"blog".

Man bertanya lagi: Jadi apa je yang kau dah buat selama empat bulan la..kau kan dah masuk first year degree tahun ni....macam mana jadi freshman?OK ke?

Eman La: Hmm.....entah la.Sebenarnya, aku takut la kalau2 aku kena repeat Calculus II.Aku dah penat belajar Calculus....cukup la sekali. Tapi, masalahnya...aku tak boleh buat masa final exam hari tu.Ye la....walaupun hanya 30% daripada gred..aku sangat cuak. Mungkin aku tak dapat nak kawal ke"blurr"an aku masa waktu exam....Ya Allah.....memang pening betul kepala aku masa jawab Cal hari tu. Itulah ujian yang aku paling blank sekali dalam hidup aku. Aku dah jumpa lecturer...tapi masih tak boleh hilangkan ke"blurr"an aku. Aku kadang2 terasa segan dengan orang lain. Diorang dah bebas....tapi..tapi aku masih perlu ulang dan ulang Calculus....keputusan akan keluar Isnin ni kat SOS. itulah berita yang aku dapat dari Mr Kamal...hmmm.....apa nasib aku?????? Cukup lah dengan Cal..ak nak belaja cell bio n English subjek n Chem puas2 spring sem nanti...Ya Allah..tolong la tabahkan hati ni untuk menerima keputusan yang ditakdirkan oleh Engkau.

Eman La: Man, aku dah penat la...nanti kita sambung cerita2 baru yek.....